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With all of the advice books out there, what makes yours different?


What makes “Get Yo Life” different is the language and style that it is written in. A lot of times, advice books for women of color aim to be politically correct and attempt to persuade their readers with a bunch of empty rhetoric and titles that really do not qualify anything in particular (Life Coach, Motivational Speaker, Self-Esteem Extraordinaire, etc.)


I don’t try to persuade anyone or put on airs about who I am. I’m a black woman who has lived through some experiences with a job and 2 kids just like the majority of black women I know.  “Get Yo Life” does not try to diagnose you with some clinical illness that you can run to your doctor to get a prescription for.


It’s all about giving women enough motivation to look inside of themselves and decide what they want to change on their own terms without making them feel like they’re being judged or will be frowned upon because they’ve made mistakes. None of are perfect, and that’s OK! LOL!!

Sample Essays

The Morning Paper

A Mother's Day Thought

Censorship in America

Are We Really

Created Equal

America Needs a Window Seat

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